In a significant development for the upcoming HBO adaptation of the beloved Harry Potter series, the network has announced the hiring of acclaimed costume designer Holly Waddington. Known for her stunning work in the Oscar-winning film Poor Things, Waddington’s appointment marks a pivotal moment in the creative team’s formation for this highly anticipated series. This…
Tag: Casting News
Filming for the HBO ‘Harry Potter’ Series Set to Begin in Summer 2025
Warner Bros. Discovery has officially announced that the highly anticipated ‘Harry Potter’ series will commence filming in the summer of 2025 at the iconic Leavesden Studios, the same location where the original films were brought to life. During a recent presentation at their London headquarters, showrunner Francesca Gardiner and director Mark Mylod shared some exciting…
Harry Potter TV Series: 2027 Release and Back-to-Back Filming Plans
The Wizarding World is buzzing with anticipation as HBO gears up for its highly awaited Harry Potter TV series adaptation. During a recent press event, HBO and Max CEO Casey Bloys shared some intriguing insights that every Potterhead needs to know. While fans are eager to return to Hogwarts, it seems we’ll have to wait…
Mark Rylance: The Top Contender for Dumbledore in HBO’s Upcoming Harry Potter Series
Exciting news for Harry Potter fans! Mark Rylance, the acclaimed actor known for his roles in Bridge of Spies and Wolf Hall, is reportedly at the top of the casting wishlist for the highly anticipated HBO adaptation of the beloved Harry Potter series. As we eagerly await more details about this magical journey, the buzz…
Updates on the Harry Potter HBO Series: Release Expected Late 2026 to Early 2027
In a thrilling update for Harry Potter fans, HBO’s Casey Bloys recently shared insights about the highly anticipated Harry Potter television series during an interview following the 2024 Emmy Awards. According to Bloys, viewers can expect to return to the enchanting world of Hogwarts in late 2026 or early 2027, marking a significant milestone for…